Roblox BEAR Wiki
Roblox BEAR Wiki
Roblox BEAR Wiki
H.O.B. is completed. Therefore, no further information needs to be added.
H.O.B. is no longer obtainable, as of now, as it is either a Weekly B.O.B. skin, an event, or limited-time content.

Ahoy laddies can yer spare us a tenner?
H O B's description, Alpha.

H O B's classic description, Alpha.

H.O.B.'s description, Star.

H.O.B. is a B.O.B. skin that debuts in BEAR (Alpha) and BEAR*. H.O.B. released alongside with the System Crypt Update in BEAR (Alpha), and alongside the release of BEAR* created by Cheedaman. H.O.B. can be purchased in the shop for 2,222 Quidz in BEAR (Alpha), and in the Gems Shop for 40 Gems in BEAR*. As of July 2nd, 2023 in BEAR* and September 9th, 2024 in BEAR (Alpha), H.O.B. is unobtainable due to it being limited.


BEAR (Alpha)

H O B appears to be a red B.O.B. with a drawing of a face on its front, depicting a pirate-like face. Like all B.O.B. variants, it has small, stubby, neon, and transparent legs.


H.O.B. appears to be a red B.O.B. with neon red skin that wears a pirate tricorne, has a peg-leg, as well has having one gold tooth.


  • H.O.B.'s face is reminiscent of the Flying Dutchman from SpongeBob SquarePants.
  • On March 28th, 2020 in BEAR (Alpha), H O B was removed from the Shop, with T H O B taking its place.
  • H.O.B. was a character in Thomas Racing; its name was Warris.
  • H O B's cost in BEAR (Alpha) is a reference to the year SpongeBob SquarePants started airing.
  • On May 18th, 2022, Cheedaman made a poll in the BEAR* Company Discord Sever saying what B.O.B. should return for the 3rd Anniversary. H.O.B. later won on May 21st, 2022.
  • In BEAR*, At some angles, H.O.B.'s peg-leg is detached from his body.
  • The hat which uses H.O.B. is a Roblox hat entitled Pirate Captain's Hat and costs 2,000 Robux.
  • In BEAR*, when H.O.B. was first released, H.O.B. would have no walking animations.

