Roblox BEAR Wiki
Roblox BEAR Wiki
After Months is no longer obtainable, as of now, as it is either a Weekly B.O.B. skin, an event, or limited-time content.
After Months is non-canon. Therefore, has no relevance to the lore of BEAR (Alpha) or BEAR*.
Not to be confused with After Hours.

Vroom, Vroom!, You Should Get Something In BEAR* With This Badge.
After Months' description.

After Months is a badge that debuts in Jimbo: Spoon Fighting. After Months released on December 11th, 2021, created by BaconTheDemon_alt. After Months rewards Jimbo once obtained. As of January 3rd, 2022, After Months is unobtainable due to it being a limited-time.


After Months can be obtained by:

  1. Finding 4 different numbers (each player gets different numbers and locations) around the lobby, each location has 2 numbers: the left number is the number of the order, and the right number is what you put into the code panel.
  • Here's an example: 1)3 3)4 2)6 4)7 = 1)3 2)6 3)4 4)7 - the code would be 3647.
  1. After putting the code in the right order, a portal will open on the right side of the wall. Jump on the portal and it will teleport you into a place called Jimballs Temple. Inside the temple you will find another code panel in front of you and a wall on the left that blocks your path. Go on the right path, the hammer is located behind the pillar with the sign that says, 'OUR BELOVED STATUE'.
  2. Break the wall by simply walking into it with the hammer, then keep going in the hallway until you find another room on the right with a spirit orb. The orb will give you 3 missions:
  • Get 7 JimBall boxes, they are located around the temple.*Answer 5 questions (the answers are also located around the temple):
Question Answer Location
2. WHO ARE YOU? There is two ways to answer this question, if you're playing with the computer go to your Roblox profile and copy your profile ID and paste it into the question. But if you play on mobile, you will need to find a wall with your Roblox profile ID near the place you found the hammer. On the right side of the pillar you found the hammer.
3. SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE SOMEBODY IS WATCHING US... THE FAKE ONE Written on a crate in the hallway with the wall you broke.
4. THAT ONE TIME OF THE YEAR WANT A SPRITE CRANBERRY Written on a crate inside the rest room.
5. THIS PLACE A MYSTERIOUS TEMPLE Outside the rest room on the left side.
  1. Once done, the orb will give you a 3 digits code (each player gets a different number). Go back to the code panel and type the code, which will open a wall on the left side of it.
  2. Go through the wall and break the rocks blocking your path into the next room. You will then face Lagoon in a boss battle and you will have a minute to defeat him- the boss battle is only a joke, as you only need to hit Lagoon once. The player will then receive the After Months badge and the Jimbo skin.


  • The name of this badge is a reference to the After Hours badge, which is a reference to an album by The Weeknd.
    • The name is also a reference to the time it took for the event to take place.
  • When obtaining the 5 Codes, it has a very similar premise to obtaining the code to get the badge from SHAWARMA, where in Artic Valley, you had to find 4 codes to obtain the badge.
  • Due to the quest for the REALITY badge in free-smiley-faces this badge and its quest became non-canon.